A recess room is a new type of space that blends play, art, and technology for spontaneous human connection. One simple goal of a recess room is to spark interest in something new and unexpected. Recess rooms are based on the idea that play triggers creativity and breaks people out of everyday routines. Recess rooms also attempt to elevate fun by allowing participants to express themselves creatively while they engage in activities they love.
The recessROOM located on the 2nd floor of 4806 Hamilton Avenue is a 12,000 sq foot family playroom dedicated to playing and fun, where people of all ages have ownership over how the space is built, altered, and enhanced. It is currently filled with equipment for over 50 group games, a bunch of nonintimidating toys (most of them are found at big box stores so if you find a toy that you like, you can pick it up on your way home in most cases), a wall of TVs, and a few inflatables. It is meant for unstructured play supported by trained playworkers, but also we plan on filling it with various organized sports, fun special events, and partnering with community organizations who can help us create memorable moments for Cleveland families and also improve their quality of life.
A recess room is a new type of space that blends play, art, and technology for spontaneous human connection.
A recess room is a new type of space that blends play, art, and technology for spontaneous human connection. The idea behind a recess room is to create an environment where people can feel more relaxed and comfortable letting their guards down. By switching off your phone or laptop screen you can spend time with others without distraction.
Our goal is to spark interest in something new and unexpected; to create opportunities for spontaneous human interaction; to provide an outlet for creative expression; to offer the freedom of choice; and ultimately—to help you light up your brain with fun playful experiences!
One simple goal of a recess room is to spark interest in something new and unexpected.
A recess room is a space where people can break free of their everyday routines, express themselves creatively, and explore something new. This can be accomplished by allowing them to participate in an activity they love or by introducing them to something new. Recess rooms are also intended to give people opportunities for self-discovery, stress relief, and social interaction with others who share their interests. If you visit our recessROOM and you feel like there is something missing or you would like us to find a way to add your dream toy, then all you have to do is request it here:
Recess rooms are based on the idea that play triggers creativity and breaks people out of everyday routines.
In the world of design, the recess room is a concept that was born out of the idea that play triggers creativity and breaks people out of everyday routines. It’s based on the idea that play is the opposite of work and that it’s an important part of childhood development. Play can be fun, but it can also be meaningful—and it can help solve problems and make new discoveries.
Recess rooms also attempt to elevate fun by allowing participants to express themselves creatively while they engage in activities they love.
Recess rooms also attempt to elevate fun by allowing participants to express themselves creatively while they engage in activities they love. Play is another way that people express themselves, and so a recess room needs to provide opportunities for play as well.
Creativity can be expressed through many different mediums, but its core essence is the ability to create something out of nothing—something that was not previously there. A recess room should be designed in such a way that allows participants to use their creativity freely and without limitation, allowing them to create whatever they desire.
We hope this article has given you some insight into the world of recess rooms and their potential impact on society. While there are still some challenges ahead, we believe that they represent an important step forward in how we think about play and creativity. If you want to learn more about recess rooms schedule a visit to ours today via